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Conservation Meeting Minutes 2/12/04

Conservation Commission
February 12, 2004

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Janet Dunlap, Peter Holden, and Katherine Roth were the members present. Stephan Glicken arrived at 8:15 p.m.

7:45 p.m., Sheila Advani, 18 Franklin Road, discuss new construction options and wetland resource areas on the property with the Commission:
Sheila Advani explained to the Commission that she suffers from severe rheumatoid arthritis and is proposing to either build an additional house on her 3-acre parcel , or to modify the existing house structure in anticipation of her future medical needs.
Greg stated that there are continuous wetlands on the property, and has reviewed this case with the Building Inspector, Joe Kent. Subdividing the lot for a new house construction was not recommended, as the size of the parcel does not conform to the required lot area.
(The property is located in the 80,000-sq. ft. Zone).  
The Commission advised Sheila Advani that modifying the existing house structure might be a more feasible option.
The Commission determined the following:
Greg to measure the distance from the wetlands to the edge of the back of the house.
The Commission will visit the site to inspect the wetland area behind the existing
Sheila Advani to meet again with the Commission on March 4th at 7:45 p.m. to
discuss the Commission
8:00 p.m., Planning Board Chairman Joel Tran, and Vice Chairman Sam Solomon, met with the Commission to discuss the two-lot subdivision plan that ERPOL and Wluka are involved in on the land adjacent to the proposed 40-B on Mansfield Street:

Sam said that due to issues concerning water, easements, and water run-off, the
Planning Board has rejected the final two-lot subdivision plan.
Joel is willing to review a new two-lot subdivision plan as long as it proposes to end
further development of the property.
Sam would rather see two houses proposed for development as opposed to 8-10
houses.  However, he would be less inclined to accept a two-lot subdivision plan
similar to what the Planning Board had previously rejected without trying to make
some modifications.  
Peg commented that there are different circumstances pertaining to the lot now in terms
of woodland and access.
Joel suggested that Peter O
discuss it with the Planning Board at their February 25th meeting.
Joel and Sam discussed the possibility of a land swap agreement with the Commission for the purpose of developing Affordable Housing:
Joel stated that the Town is likely to remain in a defensive position in regards to 40-B
development until the 10% Affordable Housing quota is met. A consultant hired by the Planning
Board has suggested that some of the land owned by the Town either becomes available to
developers or be developed as Affordable Housing.
A proposal was made by the Planning Board to swap Town owned parcels that are not under the
control of the Commission for parcels that are under the Commission
Sam said that the Commission has more suitable parcels for developing land for Affordable
The members of the Commission agreed to discuss the land swap proposal and report back to the Planning Board.

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Janet Dunlap recused herself due to a potential conflict, and left the meeting at this point.
8:40 p.m., Public Hearing, ANRAD, AvalonBay Communities, Inc. Proposed approval of the boundaries of the wetland resources on the property at 361 and 363 Norwood Street;  60 and 80 Edge Hill Road.  DEP # SE-280-450:  

Elizabeth Smith Development Manager, Dennis Lowry Wetland Ecologist from ENSR, and Attorney Steven Schwartz appeared before the Commission. Abutters were also present. (See attached list).
Elizabeth submitted application filing fees and green abutter cards to the Commission.
The Commission reviewed proposed plan, "AvalonBay Communities, Edge Hill Road", prepared by Kelly Engineering Group, and dated 1/28/04.
The Applicant is proposing a residential apartment development located on approximately 27 acres along Norwood Street near the I-95 ramp, to the north of Edge Hill road. The entrance to the site is currently on Norwood Street through a driveway. A residential home with a detached garage and a farm barn is located on the elevated western part of the site. The topography extending east of the elevated area descends to a lower agricultural field. There is a swale located in the central portion of the lower field that carries water runoff easterly into wooded areas.
Two delineated BVW
The Commission granted permission to Dennis to perform perc testing outside of the 100
Abutter Steve Tessier- 70 Edge Hill Road, offered Dennis the use of his property for equipment access.
Resident Dave Leader- 166 Edge Hill Road. The Commission addressed concerns pertaining to BVW, and wastewater disposal testing on the proposed project site.
Abutter Chuck Logan- 357 Norwood Street, inquired if the Town has done well water testing in the area of the proposed site.
The Commission concluded to visit the proposed project site to inspect the boundaries of the wetland resources.
Peg called for a motion to continue the Hearing until March 18th at 8:00 p.m.
Katherine Roth moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:05 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the January 29, 2004 meeting minutes as amended.
Peter Holden moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:10 p.m. General Business:

Rattlesnake Hill Update
Greg said that on behalf of the Commission, he is submitting a letter to Secretary Ellen Roy Herzfelder, of the E.O.E.A., requesting that The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program conduct a site survey for endangered, rare, threatened and /or special concern species on the Borderland
Peg announced that there would be some articles written in the local newspaper to remind people about the Rattlesnake Hill ballot question.

N.O.I., Garden Street Realty Trust, 18 Garden Street, DEP # SE
Peg read aloud to the Commission a copy of a letter sent to the ZBA from Norwood Engineering requesting a waiver on the 90% high and dry requirement on the property at 18 Garden Street.
Since the Commission has received a copy of the letter from the Applicant, Peg called a motion to close the Hearing so that the Order of Conditions can be issued referring to either a CR or Town owned land.
Stephan Glicken moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

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N.O.I., Lot #18 Aspen Road, Jolin Construction Corporation. DEP # SE-280-448
The Commission has received and approved the Revised Plan for Lot # 18 Aspen Road.
Peg called for a motion to close the Hearing.
Peter Holden moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

N.O.I., Lot #19 Aspen Road, Jolin Construction Corporation. DEP # SE-280-447
The Commission has received and approved the Revised Plan for the N.O.I. filed by Jolin
Construction, Lot # 19 Aspen Road.
Peg called for a motion to close the Hearing.
Katherine Roth moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:25 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. Order of Conditions, Garden Street Realty Trust, 18 Garden Street, DEP # SE-280-449.

9:30 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Peter Holden moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.